HJL Response to Covid-19 Pandamic
How does HJL Autoparts Helps Our Customers during pandemic Covid-19?
As Repair Shops' best partner, HJL always put customer benefit at the 1st place.
So Our response to Covid-19 is to be the strong supports behind our partners.
1. Health Team & No Virus Products
Our team knows well how to look after our person health.
Apart from daily environment sentilization to make sure our colleagues in the most safe working environment; we sentilize every incoming products to ensure no virus on our products.
Hand wash is required whenever a task is completed.
Meeting more than 5 people will be required to wear Facial Mask.
We make sure our co-workers' health and also the health of our best customer You!
2.In Time Assistance No Delays
Whilst workshops may experience lockdown or service disruptions across globally, HJL mechanics team maintains our best situation & in-time supports as normal.
No matter where you are, our online support is always on time without any delays.
3.Prompt Delivery Arrangement
Sufficient Stock to enable efficient postage while global delivery may be delayed due to pandemic cause.
We help to ease the inconvenience caused by inevitable & unexpected reasons.
Last but not least, STAY SAFE & WASH HANDS.
Victory to Combat this Virus War Shall Be Eventually!